As you might have seen there is a lever in second floor.

The system behind it is for a player to be able to pull the lever he needs to have “Magical Deluxe Key”. This key can be looted from Daily Chest in temple, killing bosses, killing monsters. We will not inform anyone what mob they can be looted from so be smart and put it to your autoloot list!

When player use the lever, it’s by random selecting an item from the list. This item can be everything from a normal item or an epic item. We will keep updating this list within time to keep the items relevant to players. Since we run a server we have decided that you can buy this type of key from our Gift shop.

To answer everyone’s question if there items are OP from the list we can guarantee you that its not. They best items in there will simply be a bit better then what is currently offered in quests. If you find an item to be to good to be true, let us know please!

Noxus Team.